What Can Dogs Eat on Thanksgiving 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

As Thanksgiving approaches, many pet owners wonder, “What can dogs eat Thanksgiving?” It’s a time of joy, gratitude, and, most importantly, a feast. While it’s tempting to share our holiday favorites with our furry friends, it’s crucial to know which Thanksgiving foods are safe and which could be harmful to our dogs. This comprehensive guide aims to answer the popular query: “What can dogs eat Thanksgiving?” ensuring a safe and enjoyable holiday for your canine companions.

Thanksgiving 2023 Foods That Are Safe for Dogs

Understanding what dogs can eat during Thanksgiving is vital for their health and wellbeing. Here, we delve into dog-friendly Thanksgiving treats:

Turkey: A Thanksgiving Staple

    • Safe Parts: Lean, white meat (breast) is safe for dogs. It should be cooked, boneless, and skinless.
    • Preparation Tips: Avoid seasoning or frying. Plain, baked, or boiled turkey is best.
    • Health Benefits: Turkey is a great source of protein for dogs.

Sweet Potatoes: A Nutritious Treat

    • How to Serve: Cooked and mashed without any added sugar or spices.
    • Benefits: Rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Plain Pumpkin: Good for Digestion

    • Serving Suggestion: Plain, cooked pumpkin (not the pie filling) is a healthy choice.
    • Benefits: High in fiber and good for a dog’s digestive health.

Green Beans: A Low-Calorie Snack

    • Preparation: Steamed or boiled without any seasonings.
    • Advantages: Green beans are low in calories and high in vitamins.

Apples: A Sweet Crunch

    • Precautions: Remove the seeds and core.
    • Why They’re Good: Apples are a source of vitamins A and C and fiber.

Thanksgiving Foods to Avoid for Dogs

“What can dogs eat Thanksgiving?” also means knowing what they can’t eat. Here’s a list of foods to avoid:

Onions and Garlic

    • Why They’re Harmful: Can cause anemia and gastrointestinal upset.

Grapes and Raisins

    • The Danger: Even small amounts can lead to kidney failure in dogs.

Chocolate and Sweets

    • Toxicity: Chocolate is toxic, and sweets may contain xylitol, which is harmful to dogs.


    • Why It’s Bad: Can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even death in severe cases.

Rich, Fatty Foods

    • The Risk: Can lead to pancreatitis and gastrointestinal distress.

How to Safely Share Thanksgiving with Your Dog

This section will explore how to include your dog in Thanksgiving festivities safely:

Preparing a Dog-Friendly Plate

    • Tips: Small portions of safe foods like turkey and sweet potatoes.

Watching the Dinner Table

    • Advice: Keep an eye on your dog to prevent them from snagging unsafe foods.

Portion Control

    • Why It’s Important: To prevent obesity and digestive issues.

Understanding Dog Nutrition and Holiday Feasts

In this section, we’ll delve into why certain foods are safe or unsafe for dogs and how holiday feasts can impact their health:

Nutritional Needs of Dogs

    • Discuss the basic dietary requirements of dogs and how holiday foods fit into this.

The Impact of Holiday Feasting on Dogs

    • Explore how overfeeding and certain foods can affect a dog’s health.

Alternatives and Creative Dog-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes

Here we will offer some creative ideas for making Thanksgiving special for your dog:

Homemade Dog Treats

    • Recipes for safe and healthy dog treats.

Special Doggy Desserts

    • Ideas for dog-friendly desserts.


Wrapping up, we’ll reinforce the key points about what dogs can eat during Thanksgiving and encourage responsible pet ownership during the holidays. We’ll also remind readers of the joy of including our canine family members in our celebrations, as long as we do so safely.

Additional Resources

Finally, we’ll provide links and references to resources for further information on dog nutrition and health.

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